LineageOS 13.0 for Redmi 3S(land)

Originally forked from @zwliew repo.
Moved to separate thread due to recommendations from seniors.
 LineageOS 13.0 for Redmi 3S(land)

- CPUs up and downclocked, decreased CPU voltage fore low freq( @difr )
- corrected core-ctl algorithm: 0&4 cores didn't turned of due core rotation, so statistics will not reset( @difr )
- suppressed debug output for most services
- disabled qcom proprietary services caused power drain
- enabled camera2 api, so built-in camera app didn't work properly, use camera with full camera2api support
- removed update of firmware, so no more can't boot to recovery from system
- GPS fully work now
- goodix scanner works after patch - see readme.
- fix sim settings reset after reboot
headset volume buttons work now

camera quality worse then miui
- may be smth else...

First step
Read this very attentive.

1. Install TWRP-3.1 from gdrive.
2. Flash latest ROM zip 
3. If you have goodix FP - flash goodix patch
4. Since 22.03 release ROM shipped without built-in root, if needed flash su-addon from
5. Boot to system and perform first setup
6. Reboot to recovery again and install Gapps if needed
7. Enjoy

Just flash new zip via TWRP with wipe cache and dalvik

Full changelog see on gdrive.

Latest build: 12.07.2017

New build will be released with Google July security patch.

link download

Do not forget to make a donation if u like this ROM
WMZ: Z679984753028
@assusdan received phone. He started work on nougat.

Sumber xda(
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{picture#} Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang dunia adalah ambisinya, maka Allah akan menghancurkan kekuatannya, menjadikan kemiskinan di depan matanya dan dunia tidak akan datang kepadanya kecuali apa yang telah Allah takdirkan. Dan barangsiapa akhirat adalah tujuannya, maka Allah akan menguatkan urusannya, menjadikan kekayaannya pada hatinya dan dunia datang kepadanya dalam keadaan tunduk.” (HR Ibnu Majah) {facebook#}


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